Friday, November 30, 2012

           The classes I took this semester a lot had connections to each other. The classes that I chose to analyze this semester were two academic courses: English Composition and Digital Media for the Artist (DMA); while the other two courses were dance related: Dance Perspectives, and Dance Composition. The New Media theme was a prevalent theme between all of my four classes. I found that even though the connections were all circular, without taking DMA I would not have known about the New Media that helped me with assignments in other classes. The way I conducted the connections between each classes were by analyzing and reviewing what I had conquered in each class separately.
            My two academic classes, English Composition and DMA were similar in the way that I researched assignments and wrote a lot of reflections about themes. In both of these classes I found a connection through New Media. In my Composition class I read a book called But Is It Art  by Cynthia Freeland. In Freeland’s book, there are a lot of references about art that I was able to connect to DMA. One big connection that I learned about was Running Fences. It was mentioned in Freeland’s book and I watched the excerpt on Blackboard provided by the DMA course.
            Next DMA also provided a connection between my Dance Composition. In dance composition I learned more about myself as a dancer and I learned about free range in movement that I could create myself. In DMA I created my own projects based of off themes and posted them in Facebook for my class to see. While in Dance Composition I choreographed a piece to a theme and at the end of the course there was a big comp showing where the whole class presented for everyone to watch.
            Dance Composition related to my other dance class Dance Composition. In Dance Perspectives the dance faculty talked about themselves as a dancer growing up and their careers. I was able to ask questions and learn valuable advice and knowledge from my teachers. The questions I asked and my classmates asked were questions we face every day as growing dancers and artists. Both of these classes related because I learned and had freedom to explore myself as a growing artist.
            Dance Perspectives and DMA associated in the way that I learned and analyzed the both the dance world and the technological world. I was also able to infuse my knowledge of New Media into one of my Dance Perspectives class assignments. For the last assignment I had to create a family tree and show how the dance world is all interconnected. The way that I executed this assignment was that I created my tree on the computer through Microsoft Word with the application called SmartArt. Therefore, I was able to appropriately incorporated both the dance world and technological world into my life.
            My Dance Perspectives and English Composition class were also related through New Media. In English Composition I read the book A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan and in her second to last chapter she communicates the story through a PowerPoint. In both classes I had assignments that used the PowerPoint media which makes a connection through using new media.
            Lastly, my English Composition class and Dance Composition class are connected in the way that I both composed and recorded art through assignments. I was able to express myself through dancing and through writing on paper. Sometimes the process of creating or choreographing a dance can be improved through writing ideas down on paper.
            In conclusion, through all of my classes dance related and academic wise, I learned about myself as a growing artist and as an improving dancer. Without the guidance and assignments from my teachers I would not have improved or come thus far. Reflecting back on all my classes this semester, it was beneficial to me that they all were connected in some way and I look forward to next semester to see the connections between my future courses.

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