Friday, February 28, 2014

Urban Sacralization

I want to bring back traditional loyalties to people and ideas. Dean MacCannell says it is now impossible to determine who “we” are verse who “they” are. Going off of what MacCannell thinks, I would like to sacralize dying eyebrows a color as a statement or fashion. People nowadays dye a strand of hair on their head as a donation to a cause. I think that dying your eyebrows a color could become a trend just like putting feathers in your hair or getting a piercing or tattoo since it is the first stage of sight sacralization. Dying your eyebrows is already marked off from similar objects as worthy of preservation. For the naming phase of sight sacralization I would call this trend DyeBrows. DyeBrows could be died pink for breast cancer awareness or died purple for gay awareness. The second phase in sight sacralization which is called framing and elevation, people would already be putting on display their died eyebrows. Eye brows are not usually first noticed on a person’s face but if they are died then it would stand out and be a bold statement as well as another fun accessory to do for fashion. Dying your eyebrows are like putting spotlights on your face or putting on makeup. The DyeBrows could enhance eye color. For example if someone has blue eyes and then dye their eyebrows blue then it would be an enhancement of blue on a face.

This will begin to be popular in New York City because there are exotic trends that can start there.

I played around with this idea on myself and to my surprise it turned out well.

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